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The problems, in the order that the website deals with them, are set out below. Click on any subject to get directly to the page. 1. St.Augustine's Method for Knowledge of God St.Augustine's own definition of the method for knowledge of God is discussed. The topics covered are:- The Meaning of Knowledge The page discusses how experience is processed within the human intellect to produce knowledge. The topics covered are: The Mind and Experience The page shows how the Holy Spirit, as the Teacher, imparts knowledge. The topics covered are:- The World as the Teaching System The theory of intellectual illumination is further developed to show how God reveals knowledge of Himself, through the teaching of the Holy Spirit. The topics covered are:- How God may be Known 5. The Psychology of Knowledge The concept of intellectual illumination is shown to account for all human knowledge, and a Theory of the Intellect is offered. The topics covered are:- The Development of the Intellect 6. Augustinian Knowledge Theory Augustinian knowledge methodology is summarised to show that it accounts for human knowledge of both God and the Creation. The topics covered are:- The Methodology of Knowledge
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